Apex Legends State of Apex S16 and the future ahead S16 has been the most successful launches in Apex history so the question of the current state of the game… by Blazing Boost in February 23, 2023 Destiny 2 Difficulty changes before Lightfall In a very detailed post, Bungie's devs have shared some of the difficulty changes hitting Destiny 2 just before Lightfall,… by Blazing Boost in February 22, 2023 Apex Legends Apex datamined skins are fire Apex datamined skins aren't anything new. Enthusiastic players have been digging around the game files for years now. Usually, they… by Blazing Boost in February 21, 2023 Apex Legends Apex S16 Gun Tier List The new Apex S16 is super fun and the gun meta tier list has shifted, once again. The Nemesis AR… by Blazing Boost in February 20, 2023 Destiny 2 Destiny 2 latest ViDoc raises the hype for Lightfall With only 10 days to go for the latest expansion in Destiny 2, Lightfall, the hype has never been higher…. by Blazing Boost in February 18, 2023 Apex Legends Apex Twitch Rivals TDM was a blast Apex Legends and Twitch rivals are a great event where content creators and professional players duke it out in new… by Blazing Boost in February 18, 2023 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 17
Apex Legends State of Apex S16 and the future ahead S16 has been the most successful launches in Apex history so the question of the current state of the game… by Blazing Boost in February 23, 2023
Destiny 2 Difficulty changes before Lightfall In a very detailed post, Bungie's devs have shared some of the difficulty changes hitting Destiny 2 just before Lightfall,… by Blazing Boost in February 22, 2023
Apex Legends Apex datamined skins are fire Apex datamined skins aren't anything new. Enthusiastic players have been digging around the game files for years now. Usually, they… by Blazing Boost in February 21, 2023
Apex Legends Apex S16 Gun Tier List The new Apex S16 is super fun and the gun meta tier list has shifted, once again. The Nemesis AR… by Blazing Boost in February 20, 2023
Destiny 2 Destiny 2 latest ViDoc raises the hype for Lightfall With only 10 days to go for the latest expansion in Destiny 2, Lightfall, the hype has never been higher…. by Blazing Boost in February 18, 2023
Apex Legends Apex Twitch Rivals TDM was a blast Apex Legends and Twitch rivals are a great event where content creators and professional players duke it out in new… by Blazing Boost in February 18, 2023