Bungie’s “return to form with Crota’s End brings about a brand new raid loot to look forward to. While most…

Apex Legends
How to farm the 4k damage badge
Apex legends is a game of prestige as much as it is about movement, shooting, sliding, and overpriced skins. Hence,…

Apex Legends
How to play Catalyst in Apex Legends
In our ongoing series “how to play” we’ve mostly covered the already-established legends. Fret not, there are still several to…

Destiny 2
How to defeat Calus on Legend Difficulty (no cheesing)
Lightfall is here and for many Destiny 2 fans, this is the best / worst expansion to date. We won’t…

Destiny 2
How to Cheese Calus in Lightfall
Lightfall is arguably the most divisive Destiny 2 expansion. It has an amazing game changing updates and options yet horrible…

Destiny 2
Best builds for Lightfall
Rise up Guardians – Lightfall is here and so is our guide for the best builds you can use to…