After 4 long years, it seems Apex Legends is beginning to re-invent itself and the S16 legend changes are more…

Apex Legends
Apex Season 16 is shaping to be a blast
There’s an undeniable hopeful air surrounding the season 16 release of Apex Legends. Respawn has been more transparent than ever…

Apex Legends
Season 16 Revelry confirmed and ready to go
A fun new cinematic trailer dropped for the upcoming Season 16 Revelry for Apex Legends. It is honestly a hoot,…

Destiny 2
7 reasons to get excited for Lightfall
Destiny 2’s latest expansion is coming in and bringing in some much-needed changes, 7 of which we count as must-know…

Apex Legends
TSM won the ALGS 2023 in London
The ALGS Split One 2023 in London has officially crowned its king – TSM! The NA team which is the…

Destiny 2
Lightfall guns and gear aplenty
With Destiny 2;s Lightfall nearing ever closer, Bungie released a trailer for the new guns and gear we will wield…