S16 in Apex Legends has been the best in quite a while, with the new buffs to legends shifting the…

Apex Legends
Apex Legends S16 updates are ongoing
Apex Legends has hit an all-time high that’s never been seen in, well ever, with the new s16 updates. Sitting…

Escape from Tarkov
New anti-cheat in Tarkov off to a shaky start
Escape from Tarkov players have had it rough these past couple of years, with cheaters being rampant and a new…

Apex Legends
How to Play Mirage in Apex Legends
Here’s a guide on how to play Mirage – the resident tragic jokester in Apex Legends. A fan of many…

Apex Legends
Apex Anniversary Collection Event Bonanza
Queue in the “it’s happening” meme – after 4 long years, the year 4 Apex Anniversary Collection Event will gift…

Apex Legends
S16 Battle Pass looks rad
The amount of hype surrounding the S16 launch is reaching a fever pitch and the battle pass showcase only increases…