The time to do the final preparations for Lightfall is night! Yeah, the time is tight – BUT, there’s still a sliver of things you can do to get you prepared.
Perhaps you haven’t watched Destiny 2 in a spell? You saw the trailer and all those dev diaries and think the new expansion looks rad? Well then, don’t you worry. We will help you dust your account off and come back in style!
1. Get on with the story
Destiny 2’s story was sometimes hit-and-miss. We’ve had some very memorable villains, some great new additions, we’ve lost Cayde and gained, well… um.
The thing is, people, do like Destiny 2 the story. So, if you are one of those (there are dozens of us!), you will like to get acquainted with the latest events. These in particular are the big beats that will conclude the Light vs. Dark Saga.
The coming of the Witness and the end all, be all battle for Neomuna will be a great Chapter in Destiny 2’s lore.
2. The great Bounty Prep
Here’s the first actual tip that doesn’t involve listening about who betrayed who and why. It involves everyone’s favorite repeatable activities in Destiny – the Bounties!
You should do all the bounties that you can but do not turn them in until Lightfall drops. Revolutionary, right? With this XP boost, you can level up your new artifact and powers (Strand, here we come!)
Do try to focus on Wbountiesunties (which aren’t as plentiful at the moment, but you can check some from Hawthorne, Petra, Variks, or Starhorse). The weekly bounties give more XP, but you can also maximize on daily bounties as well (just avoid the repeatable ones – they don’t net enough XP to be considered valuable).
3. Start farming Dares of Eternity for Paraversal Halls and Treasure Keys
The Paraversals as you know, grant you blue or even legendary items when you open them. Now, why would you be grinding for these? Well, Lightfall raises the soft cap to 1750, meaning the new drops will guarantee a better level thanks to their increase in power.
This isn’t anything new btw. It was already available in Witch Queen and it can be repeated now. Simply stock up on Paraversal Halls and you’ll have enough new equipment to hit the soft cap so you can then grind towards 1800 (the new Power Cap).
4. Don’t get tempted to rush in and get the gear from the Season Pass.
It is a great decision to keep the gear from the previous season since, once you hit the soft cap later on and you have an item that’s lagging in power. Go to bungie.net and unlock the gear from the previous season (in this case, the Season of the Serapth).
5. Don’t save Red Border Weapons
Why would you want to keep these when we know that there will be new crafting mats in Lightfall. These will be redundant and will only take up space. However, if you haven’t crafted all the Red Border Weapons from last year, make sure to do them now. This is because the vendors selling them will have them dropped for new stuff so you may be missing out!
6. The great grenade hunt
With the huge buff to Grenade Launchers in Lightfall, make sure you farm the best ones out there. We are talking something along the lines of Target Farmable (from The Moon), or the Vendigo GL3. Yeah, maybe you don’t main a Granade Launcher but having an alternative never hurt, right?
Have you been grinding for the new expansion? Did you do any final preparations for Lightfall so you don’t feel underwhelmed by the new challenges?