As fans of Destiny 2, it is quite difficult talking about fan backlash. We try to avoid negativity when it involves our favorite games. However, one needs to stay impartial when reporting on current events. This is one of those.
If you’ve been living under a rock, Lightfall is the latest Destiny 2 expansion by Bungie. It’s been cooking for a long time. The developers have been hyping it up and fans were clearly excited. It’s had a field day on Steam with over 160k concurrent players (the highest in years).
Sadly, what followed after the initial launch was… disappointment.

Now, fans of video games are no strangers to overreacting. We’ve seen review bombing for petty things and childish requests. But this is not it.
The story campaign, according to many fans, is just underwhelming. Many commenters harken to Bungie’s dev vlogs where the writers spoke of an unending conflict. Many twists and turns. An “infinity-war” type of conflict where lots of characters are involved and take part in.
How come the reality turned out to be so different? Well, there are several issues, mainly in the writing department and how things are presented. It doesn’t help that the new Sub-class Strand is an integral part of the experience yet feels so underwhelming to use. It is fun, for sure – yet we’ve yet to utilize it to its full potential.
When you add the fact that there are really no real new missions and activities (Strikes or Crucible maps) and the world of Neomuna is just empty… one gets to grinding the same old, same old stuff. Not only that but the promise of new content is probably months away. So, even with a new expansion, fans claim that there’s not that much to do either way.
Bungie has responded (finally) to the fan backlash in a typical corporate tone, stating that they’re aware of the issues and are working on resolving them. However, it’s not as easy as making a patch and releasing it. This in itself, confirms that there are deeper flaws that need to be addressed. Players are not pleased with this and are flocking to Steam to give the expansion a negative review.
At any rate, the game’s player base has never been bigger. There are a ton of guns to get, equipment, and Guardian’s to level up to the soft cap. All in preparation for the new raid. Speaking of which, if you want to play with a buddy or need someone to help you get that gun you so desire, we can help. Blazing is offering Sherpa services where you can excel with a fire team that’s top-notch. You can have fun, learn the new maps and get great loot.
How are YOU liking the new expansion? Is the Destiny 2 fan backlash of Lightfall justified? Are you looking forward to the new raid? Tell us in the comments?