The amount of hype surrounding the S16 launch is reaching a fever pitch and the battle pass showcase only increases it further. We’re talking about some amazing new skins and more goodies than ever. It seems Rockstar has finally listened to the community and added stuff people may actually like.
To make the Battle pass even better is the fact that we’re getting 3 Collection Events in this season’s duration. Not only that but with the upcoming anniversary event, we’re getting more packs to unlock and the potential for a new heirloom. Honestly, it’s been so long since we could talk about Apex with such hopeful gusto – it is refreshing!
Let’s start with the obvious – that Daft Punk inspired Crypto legendary skin. Those 10 Crypto mains are sure going to have a field day /jk. In all seriousness, this is arguably the very first legendary skin for Crypto in a battle pass. Knowing how long Crypto’s been in the game, this is obviously a very positive change.
Next is that oh-so-impressive Valkyre skin. Keeping up with the neon-disco theme, Valk mains have something new to play around with. Look at them colors eh? 🙂
For us, the biggest and most amazing skin comes in the form of the reactive Mastiff. Seeing how shotguns are going to be HUGE in s16, this battle pass skin is a cherry on top. It changes colors and ejects spent magazines with its clean as hell animation. LOVING IT!
The rest of the offering is no less impressive. Rampart got a way in and so did Bloodhound. The resident jokester Mirrage has yet another wacky skin that looks amazing.
You can check the rest of the offering and the incredible sky emotes for Fuse and Octane in the official trailer. We’re roaring for S16 and cannot wait for it to be released! If you want to check out more info on the upcoming season, be sure to find out more about the legend changes and how the new weapon is going to shake up the current meta.