Fans of the best BR out there (yes, we said it) can look forward to the new apex collection events. Imperial Guard is coming out in a couple of days. It will include the improved and updated Wraith Heirloom. However today, we’ve received more info regarding the next collection event. This is aa long time rumored “Beach” event titled Beach Squad and YES – there will be swimsuit skins. But, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.
The Imperial Guard has already had most of its skins leaked. We’ve already talked about the $160 Heirloom for Wraith. Yes, it is one of the old weapons (the Kunai) which now has a red tint. It’s received a lot of facelift animations which are kind of cool yet… Do they really warrant a $160 price tag? That is for you to decide.
You will also be receiving a slew of new portrays, legendary emote and voice-line but that’s about it. No possibility to customize the colors. Nothing.
Still, you can check all the skins that are coming out in the leakers’ video below. There are some really great skins to be fair:
The emergence of the loba swimsuit
Fans have been asking for it. The r/rule34 weirdos have had a field day(s) with it. Now, it seems Respawn is about to deliver it. No, no you creeps – it is much more tasteful than that.

The Sun Squad event is coming later in March and it will have the beach theme that people oh so crave. There are already many models leaked like Mirage’s scuba diver. Loba is if course featured yet her model is incomplete in the in-game files. This may also be the event where we get the Caustic legendary skin. There’s now more info on the 3 phases and it looks very cool.
We will be receiving more info about this event in the next period for sure. However, the quality of the leaks and what they entail may change, drastically.
This is because EA announced they’re letting off 200 QA testers due to “cost-cutting”. Now, we are not one to speculate but, in a game so riddled with bugs as Apex, cutting the people who find them should be the last place to start. How is this going to affect the future of Apex? Only EA and Respawn know.
Let’s not end on a doom and gloom note – what’s your opinion on the new apex collection events? Will you be getting the new/old Wraith heirloom?