Table of Contents
What is the Solstice of Heroes?
The Solstice of Heroes is a yearly event held in Destiny 2 with a repeating theme referencing the Summer Solstice. It has strong symbolism pertaining to nourishing the Sun and Light in general with apparent references to the Traveler.
It’s well known for the limited-time armor set which is looked forward to by many and is one of the main attractions of the event.
What’s new?
Starting Season 17 from the 19th of July in Destiny, there’s been a large overhaul to Solstice. To name some of the new additions:
- Armor
- Event Pass
- Seal
- Solstice activity
- Required resources
- New Guns
Despite the many changes to how things work there, the goal is more or less the same, with the main goal still remaining the iconic glowing armor that is exclusive to the event.
What makes Solstice armor special?
You will receive your first set of the new armor called “Candescent” armor from Eva Levante upon starting the event quest.
With the new changes made to the armor, in order to give it the iconic white glow formerly obtained by completing all the armor objectives, Bungie had opted into a method they called “Kindling”.
Kindling an armor piece has 3 phases to it in total, as described in the event quest.
Kindling is done by obtaining a Kindling from triumphs on the Event Pass which was included in this season and is tied to the process of obtaining the latest seal and title that were introduced.
The next step is to obtain “Silver Ash” in order to further upgrade the armor between tiers.
- Tier 1) 1 Kindling + 20 Silver Ash
- Tier 2) 2 Kindling + 40 Silver Ash
- Tier 3) 3 Kindling + 60 Silver Ash
Reaching Tier 3 in any of the armor pieces will give it a white glow as well as all the pieces in that same slot, not only for that character but across all of your other characters as well.
Each tier changes the stats on the armor with the third one allowing you to choose one of the 6 stats to focus on for a +10 bonus in that stat and is a great way to gain high statted armor.
The Event Pass
The Event Pass has become a sort of controversial topic among many due to the fact that it costs 1000 silver to acquire in order to obtain the extra cosmetic drops that come with the event.
However not the entire pass is pay-to-use. The challenges that come with it are completely free to everyone.
It resembles the Seasonal Challenge system in many ways and upon completion of the event challenges will award you with a triumph by the same name which gives you progress towards the seal. Aside from the triumph, it also grants you 1 Kindling which is needed in order to upgrade armor.
The Solstice seal “Flamekeeper”
As mentioned previously, starting this season, a new seal has been introduced to the game “Flamekeeper” and a title by the same name.
In order to obtain the new seal, it is required to complete all of the triumphs in the Solstice of Heroes Event Pass.
It’s very straightforward and is meant to be completed over the course of the event with challenges pertaining to everyday activities you would normally be completed while playing the game. (Strikes, Crucible, Gambit, etc.)
The seal also includes Gilding which can be done starting this season and will be coming back for future Solstice events so that you can show off your relentless dedication to the event and the game.
In order to gild the seal, you will need to complete higher-end activities while wearing a full set of Candescent armor.
What is a Bonfire Bash?
Bonfire Bash is the newest activity introduced to the Solstice of Heroes event that has never before been seen. It highly resembles Black Armory forges with waves of mobs that drop orbs of light which you can then throw into the bonfire in order to activate it, almost too familiar!
The goal of the event is to throw a total of 20 of the orbs into the bonfire in order to fully activate it at which point it will drop the loot from the event. To name a few of the possible items:
- Candescent Armor
- Something New (Legendary Hand Cannon)
- Compass Rose (Legendary Shotgun)
After the 6th and 12th orb, the waves will stop and an objective will appear that needs to be completed in order to continue the waves.
Once you’ve thrown all 20 orbs into the bonfire a boss will spawn and killing it will complete the event. Aside from the armor, you will also gain Silver Ash depending on the amount of Silver Leaves you have.
How to obtain the new resources?
There are 3 main resources used in the latest edition of the event:
- Kindling
- Silver Leaf
- Silver Ash
As mentioned previously, Kindling is obtained from Solstice of Heroes event challenges. It’s the core resource used for upgrading armor and is a crucial resource for event progression.
Silver Leaves drop from any activity. Any and all activities drop Silver Leaves, whether you’re doing Strikes, Crucible, Public Events, Dungeons, Raids, everything drops these (in different quantities depending on the difficulty of the activity).
The holding limit on Silver Leaves is 100, meaning that you can only have 100 in your inventory at any time. So make sure to convert them to Silver Ash every so often in order not to miss out on getting them to drop.
Lastly, Silver Ash, which is obtained by burning Silver Leaves at the bonfire as an automatic reward for completing Bonfire Bash.
Depending on the number of orbs you throw into the bonfire, the event will turn your Silver Leaves into Silver Ash accordingly. This means that if you throw in 5 orbs the event will use 5 leaves. If you throw in 14 the event will use 14 leaves, and so on.
Each leaf is worth 5 Silver Ash, meaning that at most you can get 100 Silver Ash per run of the Bonfire Bash. In total at any time, you can hold up to 500 Silver Ash, meaning that you can safely convert your maximum amount of the leaves into ash through 5 runs of the Bonfire Bash.
What are the new guns from the event?
Something New
Something New is the latest addition to the roster of weapons. It’s a 120rpm Legendary Hand Cannon, it shares a model with True Prophecy and The Steady Hand.
The main attraction of the weapon is the new intrinsic perk currently exclusive to it, called “Dreamwork” as a blatant reference to teamwork. It’s very thematically correct as it perfectly encapsulates what the perk does.
“Once per reload, assists or assisted final blows partially refill the weapon from reserves, potentially overflowing the magazine.”
It’s a perfect weapon for teamplay and has seen much popularity with its release, however maybe not for the reasons you would expect.
At the time of writing the weapon has a unique interaction with other weapons that don’t have the perk attached, namely if you shoot something with the gun and then swap to another one, it will overflow the gun you swapped to as opposed to the Hand Cannon.
It’s been a complete game changer when it comes to guns like “The Fourth Horseman” and has an abundance of videos of people one-shotting the boss in Duality with ease.
Compass Rose
While it is a returning weapon, it was a fan favorite at the time of release and nothing much has changed about it.
While it’s not popular or good for PvE content, it’s a beast all its own when it comes to PvP. With the popularity of precision frame shotguns rising in the Crucible as of the recent changes to shotguns, the Compass Rose has proven itself to be insanely effective.
Some of the possible perks that make the gun so scary in PvP are:
- Smallbore
- Full Choke
- Accurized Rounds
- Assault Mag
Perk 1
- Quickdraw
- Surplus
Perk 2
- Snapshot Sights
- Vorpal Weapon
- A godroll Compass Rose is sure to wreak havoc in the crucible.
When is the Solstice of Heroes ending?
The event ends on the 9th of August 2022. Along with it it will take the ability to obtain Silver Ash, make sure to upgrade all of the armor you want to get before the event is over or you might just have to wait for next year.
If you don’t have time to do it all by yourself before the timer ends, you can always check out SSolstice of Heroes services on Blazing Boost 🙂
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