Looks like Bungie has been more than busy, considering Lightfall is out and today the new raid, Root of All Nightmares is going live. They went ahead on their official Twitter profile and shared the news – a huge Destiny 2 ban wave is in effect.
To quote the official tweet: “Our security team is issuing a wave of bans targeting players who have participated in account recovery and boosting activities. Please never share your account credentials with others. You can read more details on our banning policies here: help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/artic
THe end of an Era
Activision Blizzard, Bungie’s previous publisher has also done purges in the past and their efforts have only intensified. Looks like Destiny 2’s devs are also on the same path – going on a huge banning streak for people who purchase boosting/recovery services.
Many players under the Destiny 2 ban wave tweet are congratulating Bungie, especially on the day when most people want to try out the new raid. There are, unfortunately, a lot of players who will get in the crossfire. An example is a player asking if he’s going to get banned for giving his account to a friend to try out an exotic or playing when he’s offline.
THe FUture is Sherpa (self-play)
This move shouldn’t surprise players who have been following the e-sports scene for the past couple of years. Companies are increasingly hostile towards boosting services and have gone out of their way to try and shut them down.
Bungie of course is no exception. We’ve been in the industry long enough to notice the signs and, we can be frank about it – we’ve seen it happening. This is Bungie’s baby after all and they can do whatever they want with their product. We can say that we welcome this change and hope to accept and grow with it.

This is why Blazing is continuously promoting and shifting towards services that are self-play, and coaching oriented. We believe the healthiest way for players to stay safe and remain both entertained and engaged is to play with a Pro player/Coach who can teach them and help them thrive within their game.
Sherpa is indeed the way to go if you play Destiny 2 religiously. Not only is it 100% safe and allowed by Bungie, but you also:
- Help out fellow Pro players;
- Get to learn the encounters
- Become a better player both mechanically and socially
We are here to help
If you are affected by the recent bans, please reach out to us. We have ways to get you back in the game, and you won’t need to fear another ban ever again.
We will always strive to be first and on the side of the players and we will continue to support everyone with the best prices and discounts, for Sherpa-services of course.
Game on, Guardians!