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When does Season 18 of Destiny 2 start?
The latest Season of Destiny 2, season 18 have officially started on the 23rd of August. And brought about most of the changes we are used to and some that we are not.
We have yet to receive any confirmation regarding the name of the Season or what it has planned for us, but there are a few things from past experiences we can say with certainty. For instance, we have received confirmation that the power level will be increased by 10 as it has been the case with every Season since the Witch Queen launch.
Other than that we can wave goodbye to Grandmasters for a while, as well as Trials for at least a good week or two. Something else we can expect more of is new guns! I’m sure we’re all excited to get new Adepts from both of the activities and to start making builds surrounding the new “meta” as soon as possible.

What’s new?
With the new season, some of the things we can expect is a brand new seasonal activity that one can only hope is not a rehash of another activity we’ve already had. We leave it in the hands of Bungie to make something innovative and fun with good loot drops.
Arc 3.0
The big one that everyone is anticipating however is the new Arc 3.0 rework. With the overwhelmingly positive feedback from both Void 3.0 and Solar 3.0, it finally feels like we’re getting something that’s a step in the right direction like we did way back in Forsaken.
Arc has persistently been a fallback subclass for every class and well if you’re a Hunter main, that’s quite unfortunate. But good news, there have been rumors that we are finally getting something other than the Arc Staff to work with, so there’s still hope for a brighter future for Hunters.
Not much about Titans really, we’re all looking forward to seeing what they do with Thundercrash, will they make it even better (as if that’s possible) or will they try to focus on making Striker better as a whole? The current state of Striker is not great to be fair, so there’s something to look forward to in that regard.
Then there are Warlocks – it’s exciting to see changes to things that were monstrous in the past. There was a time when regardless of whether it was PvP or PvE all you could see was Chaos Reach. Truly something frightening and I’m sure for all you Warlock lovers Arc 3.0 is something to look forward to.
Reworked Raid
Moving on to the hot topic that’s on everyone’s mind – the new raid. Once again, we’re getting a reworked raid from D1, and following the massive success of Vault of Glass, we are said to get a new reworked raid coming in the following Season and everyone is going crazy over it.
The raid will be released on the 26th of August along with the Day 1 race. It will include Normal and Challenge modes, to make it a bit harder for people who had played it in D1 and to make it extra hard for anyone who only played D2.
Data mines, leaks, guides, left and right you will see all and any info about it. Amazing what a community can do when we come together over something that excites us all.
There are a lot of great things to take away from D1 other than the sheer nostalgia. The raids that are in question are all great, currently, it’s all still under speculation and while there’s a large part of the fanbase that is hoping for Wrath of the Machine, everything points more toward Kingsfall.
The Taken King, what’s not to love? This epic spectacle of fighting Oryx himself is a masterfully put-together raid with amazing story elements. It really digs into the concept of how the Taken came to be and what their overall goal is.
In the grand scheme of things, I’m certain that Bungie will find a way to tie it into the story we have currently and I can’t wait to see how. With everything that has happened throughout the years, it’s quite amazing how vast the story has become.
Something else to look forward to is some of the new features that will likely be implemented into the raid. I’m of course talking about Adept and Timelost weapons. Granted doing challenges in the Master versions of the raids it’s definitely something to look forward to.
Going Away
One of the things leaving us in this Season are the artifact mods, as is the case with any other Season. In this case in particular we will have to say goodbye to Classy Restoration for the time being. The days of gliding through content without a care in the world will be over and we’ll have to rely on other means to achieve this goal.
Other than that Solar Fulmination, Armor of the Dying Star and Glaive of Dreams. Some of the very popular choices for most PvE builds are sadly going away. Worry not though – we are surely getting some popular new choices for Arc.
What to prepare?
A tradition of sorts for all long-term Destiny players has become hoarding engrams and bounties to prepare for the Destiny 2 season 18. We love to min-max and those few extra artifact levels can make all the difference, especially with the raid just around the corner.
Some recommendations for exotics that everyone should have ready by the time the new season rolls around are:
- Liars Handshake
- Lucky Raspberry
- Raiden Flux
- Raiju’s Harness
- An Insurmountable Skullfort
- Cuirass of the Falling Star
- Heart of Inmost Light
- Crown of Tempests
- Getaway Artist
- Stormdancer’s Brace
- Geomag Stabilizers
Everything leading up to the release of the new Season seems to be very exciting and it’s definitely something to look forward to. All that’s left to do is to hope Bungie does it right and does not disappoint.