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King’s Fall has a total of 6 weapons of varying types and quality. They bring a whole new intrinsic perk with them which is exclusive to the guns themselves. This perk slaps so hard you’d think it’s fake.
That perk is of course Runneth Over.
“Reloading near allies overflows the magazine”
I’m sorry, we get overflow without the need to pick up ammo… as an intrinsic perk? I can have an above average reload perk and damage perks on top of that? Say less.
On top of all this you can craft all of the weapons from the raid. With the changes to the end chest as well as the weekly chest, you’ll have red borders to spare.
If that hasn’t won you over, wait till you see some of these rolls. They feel almost illegal, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start with a weapon that can’t be rolled.
Touch of Malice – Exotic Scout Rifle
“Let them feel every lash, every curse, every touch of malice that they first dealt to me.” —Eris Morn
Like every exotic weapon it has additional perks which make it unique and the ones for touch of malice are awesome.
The first one being Touch of Malice:
The final round in the magazine deals bonus damage, drawing from the wielder’s life force, and then regenerates itself. Rapidly defeating three targets restores health.
While this will bring you down to low HP this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Any restoration works with it, meaning if you’re standing in a Well none of that matters. This perk alone may not be that exciting, but the other one definitely makes a huge difference.
The second one being Charged with Blight:
Precision hits drain combatants’ life force and charge up a ball of darkness. [Alternate Weapon Action] and then fire to unleash the blight projectile, shrouding combatants in darkness and temporarily blinding them.
First of all, props on the perk name, obvious hints to “Charged with Light”. Secondly, have you ever fought a knight and just thought to yourself “man I wish he would stop blinding and slowing me”? My turn.
Beat them at their own game and destroy their health bars while feeling badass in the process. Complete and utter destruction. I’ve seen countless videos of people killing Warpriest in one phase with 6 Touch of Malices, so this weapon is no joke.
As if all of this wasn’t enough to sell you on the weapon, let’s take it a step further by throwing in the catalyst. So “what does the catalyst do?”, you ask? Well it gives Rapid Hit.
Now I hear you say “rapid hit is kind of lame compared to everything else”, sure but it helps you switch modes quicker, as well as allowing you to reload quickly if you’re on 1 HP and 1 bullet. You can imagine messing up won’t feel as bad with the rapid hit.
Let’s move on to what we’re here to see, the craftable legendaries.

Smite of Merain – Legendary Pulse Rifle
Pulse rifles aren’t really my thing, but with the intrinsic perk and pulse rifles being used for the Unstoppable mod this season, it ought to come in handy.
As far as roll recommendations go I’ll give a few examples of good perks:
- Arrowhead Brake
- Extended Barrel
- Appended Mag
- Tactical Mag
Perk 1
- Focused Fury
- Demolitionist
Perk 2
- Firefly
- Swashbuckler
Defiance of Yasmin – Legendary Sniper Rifle
Like most snipers it’s mainly meant to be used in PvP, you don’t benefit much from the intrinsic perk, but it’s quite decent as is.
- Arrowhead Brake
- Corkscrew Rifling
- Accurized Rounds
- Tactical Mag
Perk 1
- Snapshot Sights
- Firefly
Perk 2
- Opening Shot
- Vorpal Weapon
Midha’s Reckoning – Legendary Fusion
The weapon blew up over night for its unique reaction to Reservoir Burst. Reloading the gun while near teammates will overflow the mag and in turn will give you 4 additional Reservoir Burst shots at most.
- Arrowhead Brake
- Chambered Compensator
- Accelerated Coils
- Enhanced Battery
Perk 1
- Backup Plan
- Cornered
Perk 2
- Reservoir Burst
- Vorpal Weapon
Qullim’s Terminus – Legendary Machine Gun
New Stasis machine gun, it’s pretty cool. Does the job, nothing too exciting.
- Arrowhead Brake
- Chambered Compensator
- Appended Mag
- Extended Mag
Perk 1
- Dynamic Sway Reduction
- Stats For All
Perk 2
- Killing Tally
- Firefly
Doom of Chelchis – Legendary Scout Rifle
One of my personal favorites, one of the only cases I can think of where you can roll with both firefly and dragonfly making for giant explosions. Naturally it was very popular in PvP, being called things like Cloudstrike 2.
- Arrowhead Brake
- Corkscrew Rifling
- Appended Mag
- Tactical Mag
Perk 1
- Firefly
- Explosive Payload
Perk 2
- Dragonfly
- Focused Fury
Zaouli’s Bane – Legendary Hand Cannon
Save the best for last. Not much to say, the perks speak for themselves, an overall good hand cannon and definitely the one I’m most excited to craft.
- Smallbore
- Corkscrew Rifling
- Accurized Rounds
- Appended Mag
Perk 1
- Explosive Payload
- Opening Shot
Perk 2
- Incandescent
- Firefly

In conclusion
All of the raid weapons serve their own purpose and all of them are good in a way. No room to call them bad, they just take some time to get used to. I’ve heard feedback that the gun feel is a bit strange in comparison to other things.
Personally, I think they’re great and I have every intention of crafting all of these weapons to use them to their full extent.
Something to think on is that like every weapon since Vault of Glass, these weapons will also have a Harrowed (Adept) version, which will be able to utilize Adept mods as well on top of everything that’s already overpowered about them.
If you’re interested in getting these weapons but don’t have the time or the team to do so, we have just the thing for you. Check out our King’s Fall Weapons Bundle! Read more about Destiny 2 on our blog 🙂